9DollarEssay.net: How It Works?
We are here to write any academic paper for you! Are you ready to get one? Then follow these simple steps and let us take care of your projects:
- Inform us about your needs
Everything starts with order placement. Visit the Order Page and make sure to provide full information about your paper. The process is simple: you will find the blocks to fill out right on the page. We kindly ask you to add all details related to your task. This includes the basic info such as subject, topic, deadline, length of paper, formatting style, and more. Start with filling these details and then move to the additional ones. If you have some special recommendations that are not included into the basics, use the field called Comments to add them. Also, you have an opportunity to upload files for your helper. These might be your textbooks, class notes, guidelines from your professor, preferred sources, or anything you believe is useful.
- Make your payment
Then you will be transferred to the payment page. Please use your credit card to make a fast online payment. This is secure and confidential, so you don’t have to worry about your safety. We use advanced protocols to protect our customers from any kind of online threat. We accept PayPal, MasterCard, Amex, and Discover.
- We assign a writer
After the payment is done, we start searching for a writer. There are some crucial points we consider: writer’s current workload, background, and experience. We do our best to assign a matching expert for your task. For example, if you need a paper on Sociology, we seek for a helper who has a degree in this sphere.
- The process starts
Now the paper is in progress! Whether you want to have a desired rest and forget about it or to control the entire process, you can do both. There is an online messaging system to be found on your Control Panel. Due to this system, you have a chance to write messages directly to your writer whenever you need him/her. What is more, our Customer Support team is available for your calls and messages 24/7.
- You get your paper
We guarantee that a completed paper will be delivered to you before the deadline strikes. As such, you will have a plenty of time to check it. If you believe that we didn’t follow the instructions entirely, you should place the order on the Revision Status. We will fix it for free! However, if you agree that your paper satisfies you, just confirm it and get an editable .doc version right away.
See? Getting professional writing help is so easy! Place your order today and let us impress you!